• info@goldleaf-advisory.com
  • +91-8851668332

Reimbursement Financing

Reimbursement Financing

We arrange Reimbursement financing also.Reimbursment financing is similar to suppliers credit.The only difference is that there is a reimbursing bank in between instead of a negotiating bank and there is no handling of documents involved by the reimbursing bank. The documents are sent directly to LC opening Bank and LC opening bank sends acceptance to beneficiarys bank. Here since the reimbursing bank is a different bank from LC opening bank and beneficiary bank so the beneficiarys bank claims the payment from reimbursing bank. Reimbursing Bank asks for RA authority (Reimbursement authorization) from the LC opening Bank and once the same is sent to the reimbursing bank the payment is made by the reimbursing bank to the beneficiarys bank.

Limitations – RA Fiancing works only on Letter of Credits.